
lunedì 30 maggio 2016

Baha'i House

     [EN] Hello everyone! Last week I visited an amazing place and I want to advise you to visit it. Baha'i House is a sacred place for all the religions where people go for meditation or personal prayer. There's also a sacred a cappella music with more than 200 voices. Number nine is important as Baha'is believe it symbolizes perfection. So if you go there you can see it has nine gardens that convey the beauty of unity in diversity, nine fountains, nine pillars, and nine entries. The architect of this amazing temple is Louis Bourgeois. This temple is located in Wilmette, Illinois and is open every day from 6 am to 10 pm. The good thing is that no tickets are required and the parking is free. It is a perfect place to go on a Sunday and nearby there's also a beautiful harbor and the beach. 
PS: it was named one of the "Seven Wonders of Illinois".

     [RO] Salutare tuturor! Saptamina trecuta am vizitat un loc foarte frumos si vreau sa va sfatuiesc sa-l vizitati. Baha'i House este un loc sacru pentru toate religiile unde oamenii merg pentru meditatie sau rugaciune personala. Este, de asememenea, muzica a cappella cu mai mult de 200 de voci. Numarul noua este foarte important asa cum Baha'is cred ca simbolizeaza perfectiunea. Asa ca, cind mergeti acolo veti vedea  ca acest templu are noua gradini care transmit frumusetea unitatii in diversitate, noua fontane, noua stalpi, si noua intrari. Arhitectul acestui templu uimitor este Louis Bourgeois. Acest templu este situat in Wilmette, Illinois si este deschis in fiecare zi de la 6:00 pina la 22:00. Atit intrarea, cit si parcarea sunt gratuite. Este un loc perfect pentru a merge intr-o Duminica, de asemenea in apropiere este un port frumos si plaja. 
PS: a fost numit unul dintre "Sapte Minuni ale Statului Illinois".

                                                            Wearing H&M dress.

domenica 15 maggio 2016

Mother's Day

          Happy Mother's Day

[EN] Children are the greatest wealth of the parents. Time flies when spent with them. That's why I try to make as many pictures, to catch every moment of his age. Each year his character changes, but the tenderness remains in his soul. This year I took a creative writing class (I will tell you about that in another post), and I dedicated him few poems and he was excited to read them. And in turn for Mother's Day, he prepared a small book with few chapters :-) and a letter which means a lot to me. He brought so much joy in my soul! There's a saying: Happiness comes from little things.

[RO] Copiii sunt cea mai mare bogatie a parintilor. Timpul petrecut linga ei zboara. De asta si incerc sa fac cit mai multe poze, sa prind orice moment din virsta lui. Fiecare an caracterul lui se schimba, insa duiosia sa ramane in sufletul lui. Anul acesta am luat o clasa de creative writing (despre asta va voi povesti intr-o alta postare) si i-am dedicat citeva poezii, el fiind entuziasmat sa le citeasca. Si la rindul sau de Mother's Day mi-a pregatit o carte cu citeva capitole :-) si o scrisoare care tare mi-e draga. Cita bucurie mi-a adus in suflet! Nu degeaba este o zicala: Fericirea vine din lucruri marunte.


Since you were in my belly,
I knew you’ll be sweet as a berry,
And soft as a teddy.

I was anxious to meet you
Under the sky blue,
And no one knew.

I felt in my stomach butterflies,
The happiness reflected in my eyes,
And my life got caramelized.

The first moment I held you in my arms
I understood what emotions felt other moms,
And how it feels like to have a light among stars.

You have made my life fulfilled
And I am thrilled
Of how much happiness you bring. 

Parent’s Life

A child is a miracle
Which comes true from a caramel love,
And those who receive it as a gift
Are parents with a life fulfilled.

A child is a sunshine
Shining your day and night,
Making your day better
With an endearing hug.

A child is life’s happiness
With the sweetest morning kiss.
Whispering in the ear ”I Love You”
It’s the most precious thing one can miss.

A child is a blessing
That makes your life happier.
Seeing him growing in your eyes
You realize how fast time flies!