
venerdì 25 dicembre 2015

Dollinger Family Farm

[RO] In postarea de astazi va arat citeva poze de la un eveniment foarte frumos petrecut la Dolinger Family Farm in Channahon, Illinois. Acest eveniment are loc in fiecare an in luna octombrie. Deci un weekend frumos unde va puteti petrece timpul cu familia. Organizatorii au combinat bostaniada cu razboiul civil. Adultii pot trai sentimente unice "aflindu-se in trecut" asa cum toti sunt imbracati in stilul anilor 1861-65, iar piticii se distreaza la bostaniada, avind area lor de joaca, un mic zoo,.  Sunt deasemenea si citeva fast food-uri pentru a lua o pauza. Deci pentru anul viitor va sugerez sa mergeti! Noi cu siguranta vom reveni anul viitor! Uitasem sa va spun- parcarea si intrarea este gratuita!

[EN] In today's post I'll show a few photos from a beautiful event hold at Dollinger Family Farm in Channahon, Illinois. This event takes place every year in October. So it's a nice weekend to spend time with your family. Organizers combined the Pumpkin patch with Civil War. Adults can live unique feelings "being in the past" as all were dressed in 1861-65s style, and children have fun in an adorable play area, a petting zoo.. There are also several fast food to take a break. So for the next year I suggest you to go ! We definitely will come back next year! Forgot to say- parking and admission are free! Enjoy the pics!

lunedì 14 dicembre 2015

Beautiful Day

[EN] This fall we've got nice weather and we managed to do some photoshoots. Enjoy the pics!
     [RO] Toamna aceasta am prins timp frumos si am reusit sa facem citeva sesiuni foto. Vedeti ce
               s-a primit!