[RO] Saptamina trecuta am vizitat citeva locuri frumoase atit in Chicago cit si in afara lui. Locuri unice in sinul naturii pentru cei ce prefera sa descopere orice coltisor frumos. In postarea de azi va arat 2 parcuri-
Starved Rock State Park si
Matthiessen State Park -situate la citiva km unul de altul cu niste privelisti care-ti taie rasuflarea. Parcurile sunt situate in padure si au o multime de scari, sunt gratuite si au locuri speciale pt a face un picnic cu familia sau cu prietenii (am gasit chiar si niste casute care ospiteaza personele venite la un oarecare eveniment) . A fost o excursie lunga, dar placuta! (Ps: ne-a fost recomandat sa le vizitam in timpul primaverii cind cascadele sunt in plina lor splendoare, caci vara sunt cam uscate ,fara apa.)
Priviti pozele si nu ezitati sa mergeti sa le vizitati!
Last week we visited some beautiful places both in and outside of Chicago . Unique places in the bosom of nature for those who prefer to discover every beautiful corner. In today's post l will show you 2 parks- Starved Rock State Park and
Matthiessen State Park located only few kilometers from each other with some breathtaking sights. Parks are located in the woods and have a lot of stairs , are free and have special places for a picnic with family or friends (we even found some houses that hospitalize persons coming to some event). It was a long excursion , but enjoyable ! (Ps :they recommended to visit these parks in the spring when the waterfalls are in their full splendor, because in summer are pretty dry , with no water.)
Enjoy the pics and don't hesitate to visit them!
Top of the Starved Rock- view of the Lover's Leap
Wildcat Canyon
French Canyon
Wood Art
The Bridge
Stepping stones to cross the creek
Devil's Paintbox
Wishing Well Cascade