
venerdì 27 giugno 2014

Colorful Mood

[EN]   I like colorful clothes in any season of the year,just love the color combinations,they always give me happy mood :-) Many of you asked me where I got this nice necklace- I bought it from Tally Weijl (they have a large assortiment of beautiful accessories) Regarding crocheted boots girls from Moldova know that there are in our country in different colours! Enjoy the pics! Kisses!

[RO]  Imi plac hainele colorate in orice anotimp al anului,pur si simplu ador combinatiile de culoare,ma binedispun instantaneu :-) Multe din voi m-ati intrebat de unde e minunatia asta de colier- l-am cumparat de la Tally Weijl (au un asortiment bogat de accesorii frumoase) In ceea ce priveste cizmele crosetate fetele de la Moldova stiu ca la noi in tara se gasesc in diferite culori! Aici aveti citeva poze cu un outfit colorat! V-am pupat!
                    Tally Weijl necklace&jacket/ H&M t-shirt/ Stradivarius skirt/ MCM bag

sabato 21 giugno 2014

Feather Skirt

[EN]   I love this skirt of"s one of my favourite item from my wardrobe because has an special effect on me when I'm wearing it...also this skirt is one of customer requirements at Stradivarius and have a pretty good price(only 30e)..of the three colours peach,burgundy and black I chose this one because you can mix it with everything.Hope you like this outfit!

[RO]   Ador aceasta fusta din pene..e una din piesele mele preferate,,ar fi fiind efectul care-l face asupra mea cind o imbrac...aceasta fusta fiind si una din cerintele clientilor de la Stradivarius si au un pret super bun(doar 30e) Erau atit negre,cit si in nuanta piersic si am optat pentru culoarea neagra din singurul motiv ca o poti combina la orice.Sper sa va placa aceasta tinuta!

        Stradivarius skirt/ Zara jacket/ Greisy Shoes/ Tally Weijl clutch

lunedì 16 giugno 2014

Rock Chic Style

[EN]   Let"s talk about style! What do you like the most? classic style? glamorous/elegant style? casual/rock/punk? I love all styles,depending on what time is outside and depending on my mood.. In this post I opted for rock chic style,simple,but offers a special allure..all you need is to tick a few key items like black shirts or dresses printers,leather boots,a leather jacket,some studded accessories and "voila"

[RO]  Sa vorbim despre  Stil! Ce va place mai mult? stilul classic? stilul elegant/glamorous? stilul casual/rock,punk? Eu ador toate stilurile,in dependenta de timpul de afara si in dependenta de starea mea de spirit.. In aceasta postare am optat pt stilul rock chic,simplu,dar care iti da o alura aparte..tot de ce ai nevoie este sa bifezi citeva piese cheie cum ar fi tricouri sau rochite negre imprimante,botine din piele,o geaca din piele,accesorii cu tinte si "voila"

zara jacket/h&m dress,hat,accessories/stradivarius bag/shoes bought in Rome

giovedì 12 giugno 2014

World Cup Song Brazil 2014

[EN]  The Official Song of the World Cup 2014  in Brazil is "We are One" interpreted by Pitbull,Jennifer Lopez and by the Brazilian singer Claudia Leitte.The words of the song, written by the three singers ,are in portuguese,spanish and english.

[RO]  Cintecul Oficial al Mondialului de Fotbal 2014 in Brazilia este "We are One" interpretat de Pitbull,Jennifer Lopez si de cintareata braziliana Claudia Leitte.Cuvintele cintecului,scrise de cei trei interpreti,sunt in portugheza,in spaniola si in engleza.

Katy Perry Dark Horse ft Juicy J Official clip avec paroles HD

lunedì 9 giugno 2014

Boyfriend jeans

[EN]  For some time are in great trend boyfriend jeans and I think in subsequent years will be ..probably will not go out of style too soon "cause they are too comfortable for us girls to give up wearing them and can be matched  with different  styles and outfits from casual to elegant and feminine in all seasons.Maybe the guys are not so happy with this trend "cause seems not so sexy like skinny jeans,but we girls love these boyfriend jeans :-) 
I opted for this style,what do you think?
[RO]  De ceva timp sunt in mare trend blugii boyfriend si credca si in anii urmatori vor fi..probabil nu se vor demoda prea curind..sunt prea comozi pentru ca noi fetele sa renuntam la ei si pot fi asortati la diferite stiluri si tinute in orice anotimp al anului.Poate baietii nu sunt asa multumiti de acest trend pentru ca nu par la fel de sexy ca niste blugi skinny,insa noi fetele adoram blugii boyfriend :-)
Eu am optat pentru acest stil,voi ce spuneti?
Tally Weijl boyfriend jeans, H&M hat/shirt/shoes, Zara jacket, Stradivarius bag

giovedì 5 giugno 2014

Shooting at "Musei Capitolini"


EN  It was a beautiful we went for a walk in the centre of Rome with my friend and we made a shooting at Musei Capitolini-a group of art and archeological museums in Piazza del Campidoglio,on top of the Capitoline Hill in Rome ,Italy.The historic seats of the museums are Palazzo dei Conservatori and Palazzo Nuovo,facing on the central trapezoidal piazza in a plan conceived  by Michelangelo Buonarroti in 1536 and executed over a period of more than 400 years.The museums collection includes ancient bronzes,a large number of ancient Roman statues and inscriptions,a collection of medieval and renaissance  art  and collections of jewels,coins and other  items..You must visit these museums!
RO  A fost o zi frumoasa..deci am iesit la plimbare in centrul Romei cu prietena mea  si am facut un shooting la Musei Capitolini-un grup de arta si muzee archeologice din Piazza del Campidoglio,pe partea de sus a dealului.Partile istorice ale muzeelor sunt Palazzo dei Conservatori si Palazzo Nuovo care se confrunta  in piazza trapezoidala  centrala intr-un plan conceput de Michelangelo Buonarroti in 1536 si executat pe o perioada de mai mult de 400 de ani.Colectia de muzee include bronzuri antice importante,un numar mare  de statui si inscriptii antice romane,o colectie de arta medievala si renascentista si colectii de bijuterii,monete si alte obiecte de valoare..Trebuie sa vizitati aceste muzee!

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